Did my chickens BRING the chiggers with them? Itch itch itch…


10 Years
Oct 24, 2009
McKinney Texas
I've searched through the old threads and read the various and sundry advice and home remedies, I've looked all over the 'net for how to get rid of them, but my curiosity is about why they're here.

We've never had chiggers in our suburban neighborhood yard until this summer, and this is the first summer we've raised chickens.

So, the question is, did the chickens attract the tiny little buggers?

I do have dogs on three sides, and cats next door that visit my yard so it's possible they've been nearby but not in my yard. I'm just wondering if my chickens drew them over. I know that people don't make very good hosts, so they probably wouldn't have done very well in my yard until now.

I have had cats in the past, but not in several years as I have a son who is allergic, and when the last 17 year old sweet girl passed on we didn't get any new kitties. But I've never had chiggers before.

They're kinda makin' me grumpy!

But I do so love my feathered girls!
Chiggers happen; depends on the weather, among other things. It's not about the chickens! Here in Michigan we've had a wet spring, and evey biting insect known is too abundant! Mary

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