Did the possum kill my chicken or was he just eating the leftovers?

Since you live in the city, you may want to try a pellet rifle instead of a 22. They are quieter and have a shorter range. You can buy fairly powerful ones now. They won't kill larger animals, like a dog or coyote, but at short range they can kill an opossum. I killed a jack rabbit this fall , he was close - about 20 feet away. and Jacks are pretty large around here! We use our pellet rifle mostly for ground squirrels, range about 120 feet.
I'm really sorry you are down to a hen and a roo. If you need some hens for your rooster, I have several who are about 19 months old. If you wanted to come to Franklinton for them, you could have them for a promise of a good home. They lay fine, I just need to downsize a bit. I've got a SLW, BO, BR, several EEs. You'll need to fix the predator problem first, of course. No more chicken dinners at your place.
PM me if you are interested.
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well no freaking kidding? If you can offer nothing but stating the obvious and offer assistance/HELPFUL information then refrain from stating what the OP OBVIOUSLY already knows. She stated her son forgot to lock them in before dark, so therefore knows they must be locked in securely at night. Good Grief! I can tell from your vast number of posts and years of raising and owning large flocks of chickens that your expertise should not be questioned so I won't bother.

To the OP...set a live trap for Mr. Possum and either call animal control or kill it and toss it in the trash can. I am so sorry you .have lost two girls, poor Mr. Roo must be fit to be tied.
mama24, I did offer sound advice close the holes and cover the run. You will never be able to eliminate all the preditors all you can do is make the coop and yard more secure. I did not mean to be judgemental of you but the list of owners who loose birds is endless because many of them just don't have their coop and yard made secure. I agree eliminate the preditors you catch but that is second to a secure pen and to free range is gambling with your birds.
I vote that it was the possum that did the deed. I've only lost one to a wild animal and it was a possum. That isn't why it gets my vote but because of the time. They start to hunt as soon as it gets dark. I got home just after dark once and the roof of the henhouse was covered with possums. That same night they got into my broiler pen and killed one.
The only reason it might not be possum is they usually just gut the bird. Killing the possum is a good idea, but whenever a predator is removed another will come to take it's place. Predators will always be around.
After dark the rooster isn't much help cause he can't see. You really do need to get more birds though. Are you limited to 4 there?
4 is the limit in the city of St. Louis but no roosters. Good thing I don't live in the city.

So far for me dogs are the worst predator. They aren't hunting for food like the hawk or fox. They're hunting for fun and won't stop till everything moving is dead.

Here is a link for the diagnosis of predators. http://www.welphatchery.com/predator_diagnosis.asp
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