Difference between chickens and ducks


12 Years
May 22, 2007
St. Johns, Michigan
My neighbor had 3 Pekin ducks that he didn't want. They're about 12 weeks old, and I'm planning to process them this weekend.

I know how everything works with chickens. Can I assume that ducks are pretty similar internally? Are there any differences that I should be warned about?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. :)
Butchering is similar to chickens. Scald water has to be a bit hotter and scalding takes longer. A bit of dish soap in the water helps.

Ducks are waterproof, so The challenge is to get the hot water down to the skin.

Duck wax helps a lot if you butcher at a time that the duck has pin feathers. If there are no pin feathers, you won't need the wax.
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