difference between wild and domestic mallards?


I Am THE Crazy Duck Lady
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Well I had a doestic mallard a few years back, but sold him because he was too rough on my girls. a few months ago I recieved a duckling from a friend. Seems one of her friends got two eggs from a wild mallard nest and incubated them - only one hatched.

Jelley bean is now almost three months old - and she is smaller than my almost two month old swede x runners.

So - is she just smalll or is this normal for wild mallard size?
Well the mallard I had before was the same size as my other ducks ( cayuga, magpie, swede ) but this little gal is SMALL. And I know he wasnt a rouen because he wasnt fat or bulky, he was a normal slim size, like a cayuga - NOT a fattie
yes wild strain mallards are smaller and slederer than domesticated birds.
Might want to be wared of the laws on keeping them from wild gathered eggs though
I hope your friend knows it is illegal and very cruel to take eggs from mallard nests.
As far as size, it is normal for them to be small. Their small size is what allows them to fly. As an adult it will probably weigh about 1-2 pounds. Personally, I would get that duck off your hands as soon as possible, before someone finds out it was stolen from the wild. My ''wild-type mallards'' from Metzer Farms have one of their back toes removed, so the wildlife federation knows they are domestic birds. Good luck!
It sounds like a Rouen. The Rouen Clair ducks are the big, hefty ones. A normal, hatchery Rouen is the same size/shape as a Cayuga or a Swedish - my domestic Mallards are very streamlined and small, closer in size to my Call duck than my Stanbridge Whites (which are the size of a Magpie).
chickensducks&agoose :

I am going to go out tomorrow and count the toes of my mallards... they're hatchery, but I don't think they're missing TOES!!! GROSS!

The missing toe is the one on the back of their leg, not connected to the webbing. They really only cut it half-way off on mine, so it just looks like they are missing a toenail.
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Mallard and all native waterfoul are covered under the migratory bird act. They are federly protected and there can be heavy fines for possessing one without the proper paperwork. Captive raised birds must be marked as such, usually by toe clipping. You can not even pick up a feather from one legally.
I am well aware of it being illegal to take eggs from a wild mallard nest - SHe felt under the circumstances though that it was necessary. Her dog had killed the mom and when she found the nest she didnt want to just let the eggs die. Im not too worried at all about getting in trouble. I know of no one who would report me or who even KNOW the difference between a wild mallard and a domestic one. Jelly bean eats out of my hand and is a sweet girl, I used to carry her around all the time. Im kind of in the back neck of town and the only time people even come to the house and notice my ducks is when they themselves are picking up ducks. Otherwise everyone i know just says "Oh! I like the black one".

I just wasnt sure if Jelly Belly was going to grow any more, my month old ducks have out grown her and she is TINY. My goslings have out grown her, lol. She sure is full of attitude though!

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