different hensor gathered eggs?


10 Years
May 23, 2009
This sounds stupid to ask, but can a henl ay different colors in a sitting? I have a banty Wyandotte who appears to produce alot of eggs daily as she is sitting on them all, and the colors range from cream to light brown. The shapes are slightly different...some a little more oblong. Could they all be hers?
it is most likly that she has acquired some from other hens if she gets off her eggs to have a drink another hen wont think twice about laying an egg in with hers

we had a bantam that had 9 eggs under her and only 3 where her own
I would agree with other poster.. A hen can only an egg a day and they should be close to the same size and color.. I can tell who laid what egg at my house as each hen lays a lil different egg...
Hens generally lay only one egg per day. For some reason they often all want to use only one or two nest boxes, even though there are more boxes.

Sounds like your Wyandotte wants to brood!

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