Different POULTRY Living Together? Which FOWL Types **UPDATE**


Whispers Loudly
10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Lincoln, Nebraska
I have been talking to my parents lately about downsizing my chicken flock and getting some other fowl... But I need to know what can go together and what cant.

Heres what Im thinking, but I really want feedback, and to have as many together as possible.

Pheasants, Peacocks, Guineas ( Turkeys?)

Ducks, Geese


Chickens, Guineas

Turkeys, (Guineas?), (Peacocks?)

I really have no idea, besides...

Turkeys + Chickens = Bad (sometimes)

Pheasants + Chickens = Bad

ANY help would be appreciated,

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There was an article in Backyard Poultry about mixing them.. I'll look for it, but in the meanwhile. I remember the main part: upland and lowland. You can keep your tukeys, guineas, and chickens together.. but you cant keep chickens (etc.) with wet-land fowl (such as ducks and geese). Their living conditions are too different.
I know it is a good thing to keep guineas and something else (forget the name) with chickens because chickens will teach them to roost in at night... I'll get back to you when I get the magazine back tomarrow...'till then.. good luck!
My turkeys live with my chickens and do fine...you just have to make sure the chickens don't have blackhead. The quail live with the pheasants since they are both small game birds, and also have some younger chickens in with them. The ducks and geese live together.
It really depends on your set-up or spread. Are you free ranging or penning them. How big is your avairy? That sort of thing. For instance, my father has ducks,peafowl, turkeys, chickens, chukars and pheasants (along with wild quail) all together in his barnyard. The peafowl roost in his tree. The chickens in and outside of the coop, the turkeys go in at night and the pheasants, chukars and wild quail do their thing in the brush around his property. They all meet in the barnyard and yard at breakfast time.
Okay NEW questions!!

How do I know if my chickens have Blackhead?

They would be in a coop/run/aviary and may free range a little, but not the pheasants and quail.

Would Peafowl and Pheasants do well together?

I have my ducks in with my chickens now, and have for more than a year with no problems, but I may put them in with the future geese if that is okay for them.

So, can quail go in with pheasants? I guess I never thought about it, I just assumed that they went in those cages, and got let out into their own run every evening.

Thanks for all your help so far everyone!!
kikescove.com :

It really depends on your set-up or spread. Are you free ranging or penning them. How big is your avairy? That sort of thing. For instance, my father has ducks,peafowl, turkeys, chickens, chukars and pheasants (along with wild quail) all together in his barnyard. The peafowl roost in his tree. The chickens in and outside of the coop, the turkeys go in at night and the pheasants, chukars and wild quail do their thing in the brush around his property. They all meet in the barnyard and yard at breakfast time.

Oh yeah, and IF you know for sure, about how many sq. feet does a pair (or Trio, or 4) of Golden Pheasants need?​
They can take up the least amount of room of most any pheasant. The SMALLEST I have mine in is a 16longx16widex6ft tall foot pen with 3 hens and a male. I have a pair in a pen thats 12x12x16. Quail can go in with just about anything. Valley that is. I don't raise Gambels at all but hear they are more aggressive. The smaller birds usually just scamper around. Everyonce in awhile the peacock will take a swipe at the pheasants or quail but they are so much smaller and faster....... I have lots of cover in my pens as well.

Biggest deal with ducks and pheasants and or chickens is that I keep food in front of my pheasants at all times, and same with my chickens. Ducks will eat you out of house and home........IMO or experience.
I beleive all chickens do, or do get them. There are just mild to severe cases... just to get info straight, I'm sure you know what you mean though

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