Difficult Buff Duckling anyone?


Jun 6, 2019
I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who has a difficult duckling. Last year I had a trio of ducklings including my first Buff. I really liked her, but she is more skittish than my other ducks. But sweet and curious. I wanted to try another Buff for her, also in hopes that it would be a little more calm, so this year I have a buff with two fawn and white runners, and two weeks later two black swedish. The only trouble maker of the bunch is the buff. The others are sweet as can be and calm, but the buff acts like I want to kill her and runs and shrieks in terror whenever I'm trying to catch her to transport her to the bathtub or outside. Also, she's upsetting the calm quiet demeanor of the runners and making them more afraid. She's making it difficult to combine with my older ducks as she's so scared she's chasing them around, and also the little black swedish. Today I had my black swedish in an outdoor pen with my much older ducks and they were all doing great together. I brought about the buff and runners and the buff tried to attack the black swedish through the chicken wire, so hard she got her beak stuck in there. She's a thorn in my side. I know it's because she's just more fearful, and I will keep trying with her. Just wanted to vent. Moat people seem to love their buffs!
Have you tried feeding her treats whenever you're around her?

Ducks (and ducklings) can be skittish, but typically they start to love you for your treats... If for no other reason. Maybe some spinach, peas, or grapes would ease your path with her?
There is often one!!! Many if not most ducklings go through the phase of thinking their duck keeper is an axe murderer Sounds like your buff got stuck in the phase. I think she will grow out of it. It's a shame that getting another buff didn't calm her, but try and humor her a while longer.

Let her mix with who she is comfortable and give her a "safe" environment to sleep away from those she is not comfortable with. I have ducks sleeping in dog crates in the coop when they are not comfortable mixing with others.

Having said that, I am moving towards using a folding temporary dog pen to compartmentalize my coop -- it's rather more flexible than putting dog crates in there. I have had three crates in there at one time and it was crowded. I even had one of the three with two ducks sleeping in it when there was friction between new rescues and others
Thanks! My husband is building an addition on the sleeping end of my coop right now - will hopefully be finished in a couple weeks when I move this group out. I will keep trying with her. I've just never had a duckling be so difficult. I do treats, etc. with all of them - the other four are great. She is a terror. I hope she grows out of it! @ruthhope I have admired your duck rescues and part of the reason I wanted my husband to add on to the coop was in case I ever moved in to that business! I took in my neighbor's duck after she lost all the rest of them off her pond due to predators, and let this one swim alone for two weeks. It turned out great. Even though she doesn't let me pet her, I know she trusts me, and feels so happy with my flock and their routine. You are so great to take in all the drakes that people are abandoning.

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