Difficulty breathing - sounds like asthma!


9 Years
Jun 15, 2012
Northwest Michigan
I have a hen that sounds raspy - like something's stuck in her windpipe. Her voice sounds hoarse, breathes with a rattle -all the time. Occasionally a cough or a head shake. It started three days ago. My son had been pulling long grass to feed them - no longer doing that because I was afraid they were taking in too long of pieces rather than tearing them. She's eating/drinking/laying fine, crop isn't full or hard. No eye or nasal discharge. Eyes look clear and normal. Comb and wattles are red. She seems to be breathing only through her mouth. I secluded her so i could keep track of her input/output today - nothing out of the ordinary. I shined a flashlight in her throat (not easy) and saw nothing "stuck". Not sure what it's suppose to look like in there. Gave her yogurt with her feed and ACV in water in case it's fungal. She's eating just fine. Labored breathing aside, she seems healthy. Any suggestions?
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I think youve done everything you can! I think if you keep an eye out on her and make sure it doesnt get worse then she should be alright! If she doesnt get better tho, and shes a pet, an aviary vet would really help! ive taken almost every one of my hens to see the vet and in the end (tho costly) is soooo worth it.
I hope she gets better! Good luck! :)

<3 kelsey
There is more you can do... I'm having the same problem with my chicks... difficulty breathing. There is a lot of info on the subject. Type in Respiratory in the search box. Hopefully you'll find the help you need.
for respiratory illness you can treat with tylan50. dose for large birds is 1/2cc small birds 1/4cc given in the breast muscle once daily for five days
Tylan50 is an excellent choice for treating upper respiratory issues and is very successful in relieving the symptoms. you can get tylan50 at the feed store for 12dollars
also you can get the syringe there
I would not wait too long and I'd treat asap. I hope this helps. best wishes
I have a hen that sounds raspy - like something's stuck in her windpipe. Her voice sounds hoarse, breathes with a rattle -all the time. Occasionally a cough or a head shake. It started three days ago. My son had been pulling long grass to feed them - no longer doing that because I was afraid they were taking in too long of pieces rather than tearing them. She's eating/drinking/laying fine, crop isn't full or hard. No eye or nasal discharge. Eyes look clear and normal. Comb and wattles are red. She seems to be breathing only through her mouth. I secluded her so i could keep track of her input/output today - nothing out of the ordinary. I shined a flashlight in her throat (not easy) and saw nothing "stuck". Not sure what it's suppose to look like in there. Gave her yogurt with her feed and ACV in water in case it's fungal. She's eating just fine. Labored breathing aside, she seems healthy. Any suggestions?
Since there are no other signs of a respiratory problem ie... bubbly eyes, runny nostrils, facial swelling, gurgling, wheezing; I suspect the long blades of grass might be stuck in her esophagus, crop, or gizzard. Use an eyedropperful of olive oil or vegetable oil and give it to her orally. Then gently massage her neck down past her crop. She will either pass or puke whatever is stuck. Dont turn her upside down at any time.
Thank you for all the suggestions. I really am undecided about using an antibiotic without other signs of illness, yet I I do not want her to get worse. This morning I sent out to check on her and she was her usual self, except she was a little frantic wanting to get to her own nest box instead of the one I secluded her with. She ate her food, droppings looked normal, eyes are still clear and bright. I keep reading that a respiratory illness would cause so many other side effects. I think I'll buy the medication on my way home from work and keep it on hand in the event she shows any other symptoms before getting better. I'm keeping her penned until she is recovered so she won't get any grass - or anything I don't supply her. She ate chopped apple and garlic last night - loved it - and has been really downing the grit, so the grass may be the problem. I have kept track of her crop and it seems to fill and empty normally though. Wouldn't it get "stuck" if it was filling her gizzard? Obviously I can't see that far down her neck, but would the olive oil help if this is the case? I read to be careful to not let any get into the windpipe, and I've looked for a diagram to make sure I understand the opening placement. I don't want to harm her while trying to help.
I would mix 1/8 teaspoon Oxine per/gal and fine mist over her head three times a day, will kill fungus. The finer the mist the better to get in the lungs. Do not activate Oxine.

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