Dilemna vs Dilemma

I would have spelt it the same way...Irregardless, apparently, I'm wrong.
I did, until I tried to prove it to someone and got egg on my face. When the heck did THAT change? I remember learning how to spell it by Silently, mentally enunciating that "n," well over 40 years ago.

This has shaken my very essence. I am beginning to question whether the world is actually round, as I was taught in school, or whether I was deluded the whole time.
Aw, poor Mac. We're all deluded in one way or another. There, there.... LOL. Well, you've brought an issue to my attention that I had no idea existed so I'll put that in my mountain of useless knowledge that, on occasion, seems to leak out to allow more in.
As much as I hate to agree with Mac and make it a point to never do so....I agree on this! I was always taught dilemna and have always read it as such in all the books I've read down through my ages.

The N was silent~or so I was taught. I used to pride myself on my spelling prowess...not so much now, of course. Getting old and forgetful. But I never forgot that dilemna is spelled as such. Just like "often" is pronounced without emphasis on the "t"....but you hear it more and more mispronounced nowadays. It should sound like "offen".

Maybe it was just our imagination but I doubt it...it seems to be a hot topic if you choose to Google it and others agree that it used to be spelled with the N instead of the double M.
Gee, thanks, I think... I'm not that disagreeable, but there are times that I offer a different perspective of things.

I knew there were others out there. When I searched BYC I found many uses of the word "dilemna".
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