For the fm blue/green egg peacomb..please put me on a list for this..peacombs or any very small combs seem to hold up much better in deasert sun and harsh icy winds too. Plus I'm a real sucker for a nice big blue egg laying bird...
It would be awesome to get a few starter eggs from you of these...sure looking forward to it. :D::) :eek:
This is a blue Fm NN GE as a chick.

This is the guy that is in the Fm Green-Egger pen now (pic from last sept).

I'll let you know GloryBlue : )
Very lovely birds! Wow I sure respect all the work you've put into these...it does show and I'm so excited to think I could possibly have a flock of these for myself.
Thankyou...sounds so great!:D
I know I'm gushing...imagine when I get your eggs and they hatch well!?
You know at first I was appreciative of what went into the "buzzard" Naked Neck green egg layers...but as with very fine things...I had to grow up and now have aquired a 'taste'? well, real interest and curiosity for them too.
So would really love to have a few of the NN's too, I now think it would be cool to see the naked black skin on their necks showing off this fm trait.
It took me awhile to get here on the buzzards...hehehe...they are impressive, on a whole other level.
I will wait of course till you say they are ready and your're ready to share with your fans...
:timid smile
:crossed fingers
:jumping elation
Hi, I'm a fan of your project & just noticed that you created this thread and wanted to subscribe. (We pm'd a few months back). I hope maybe next year I may be able to get some chicks or hatching eggs from you. In the meantime, I just love seeing your pics!
Oh my goodness. I just love that splash cockerel/roo. The powdery blue-grey with random paint splashes with that gypsy face... that is a breath-taking little guy.

i know you said Jersey Giant went into the mix. Does that effect size much, or does it off-set the smallness of the Silkie component? What kind of size / mature weight are you getting?


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