Dirty Duck Eggs

Yeah the whole washing thing is confusing. I have read to use water about the same temp as the eggs. My mother in law read to soak them for about 3 secs in a mixture of bleach and water, then rinse. I usually just take a damp rag and wipe them off, then let them air dry. I use my finger nail to get any stuck on stuff off.

Thank you to everyone for the advice.
I don't want to disagree with everyone else... but, I have been told that hot water is not good, and that you should use slightly warmer than room temp, but IDk.
my Khaki's always lay their eggs in the house, and they're never dirty! I'm glad of it too! my ducks actually are cleaner than most ducks are. if they are dirty just rinse them off under water and wipe it off with a paper towel and you should be fine! and they would still be fine for hatching. or eating whatever you choose
23 week old Buff ducks - finally got one filthy egg!!! they started making a nest out of straw a week or so ago so I knew it would be soon. but man was it dirty - the chicken eggs are usually so clean BUT MAN THAT WAS A DIRTY DUCK EGG. i washed in warm water and green scrubby then in fridge - cannot wait to consume!!!!

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