dirty eggs


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
all my eggs alll alyays have some mud and dirt maybe poo on them everyone's on here look great what do you do to get them to lay cleen eggs and what do yours look like dierectly out of the box??????????????????? thx:D
Keeping your nest boxes clean and removing the eggs often will help. I use a rollout nest box and that has resulted in fewer dirty eggs. I do have one floor layer and if I don't get the egg out soon enough it becomes quite dirty. Rather than washing eggs I use a scotchbrite pad and gently scour the filth from the egg.
I'm a newbie as of today (started a topic under ducks -- duck rescue) and I confess I know virtually nothing about raising fowl. Everyone has been very kind to me here and provided great information. Well, our rescued duck laid an egg, and I didn't get to it in time, uck! Anyway, I found this site on small egg production that was interesting, thought I would put it here...

I notice that how dirty my eggs are seems to mimick how muddy my run was. When I got my run covered and dried out , then my eggs were alot less dirty.
I usually hatch the ones I can't sell. That means some poopy eggs do go into my incuabator. They hatch. I sterilize the incubator. Next time the same thing. They don't all hatch, but more hatch than if I didn't try. Not every egg i send out is spotless either, but people have great hatches.
Really good info on here! Thanks!
I occasionally have problems with poopy eggs. It seems that all the chickens like to lay where the first one does. My boxes are close to the floor and I use cut grass to line mine, in the winter I use shavings just like in the coop. Mine usually has to do with a chicken stepping in poo and its stuck to their foot when they enter the box. I keep their yard raked but I could see how mud would come in regardless. I usually have clean eggs. You all clean your nesting boxes way more than I do. I have crates and the stuff seems to just disappear on its own and I have to add new when I cut the grass or clean the coop. Grass stays in there longer and I only had to change it out a couple times last year.

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