disabled chick??


5 Years
Sep 5, 2014
I got a chick that has a somewhat contracted leg. She eats pecks at ground and gets around OK. But she can't roost or scratch. Also she's half the size of the other silkies at 5 weeks? Will she be OK to go to coop later?
Is the leg swollen? If so, it may be a slipped achilles tendon. Otherwise, it probably has a splayed leg. There is lots of info in Backyard Chickens and on You Tube about how to splint a splayed leg. If she's 5 weeks old - it may be too late to fix completely, but you may be able to help her improve a little bit. Hope that helps direct your research!
Is the leg swollen?  If so, it may be a slipped achilles tendon.  Otherwise, it probably has a splayed leg.  There is lots of info in Backyard Chickens and on You Tube about how to splint a splayed leg.  If she's 5 weeks old - it may be too late to fix completely, but you may be able to help her improve a little bit. Hope that helps direct your research!
no the leg was never swollen. She seems to be doing better since I got her outside and out of brooder?? I'm still doing range of motion exercises on it.

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