Disabled chicken keepers


11 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Finger Lakes, NY
Hello all,
I am looking for disabled chicken keepers. I am writing an article on disabled folks who keep chickens - something along these lines would help tremendously. Credit will be given to those whose ideas are used.
*how have you changed things to be able to care for your birds?
*name one thing that you could not do without.
* write a short piece on how you manage day to day with things like feeding/watering/cleaning etc.
Thanks in advance to everyone who responds, Sue
I'm a chicken keeper with a disability, so is my sister. I collect eggs, feed the birds, & breed the birds.
My sister takes care of the water.

I have ADHD, a certain learning disability, & another one that I just can't remember what is.

My sister has a psychological disability.
I live with severe depression and anxiety that waxes and wanes. My birds give me a reason to go outside and do something. I constantly come up with projects that have to do with them. They also give me a sense of purpose. Sometimes I go overboard and get obsessive about their wellbeing (like right now with a runty chick), but the good outweighs the bad. I’m also a plant person for similar reasons. I feel appreciated, or at least needed, and that’s important to me. I don’t really have friends, so my pets (animal and plant) get all my attention.

I couldn’t do without my automatic door opener. I’d feel so bad if I couldn’t get out and they were stuck in the coop! Or if I fell asleep (I am permanently tired) and forgot to close them in for the night. It’s a lifesaver.

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