Disinfecting a previously used coop


9 Years
May 26, 2010
Yreka California
I recently purchased a used chicken coop. I need advice on how to properly disinfect it before I let my girls in it. There was alot of caked up dried poo and cedar shavings. Im not sure but she may have kept rabbits in there as well since I found alot of pellet type poo. Couldve even been rats, who knows.

The majority of caked up poo was scraped off and the shavings were swept up. I also sprayed a diluted bleach solution in all the nest boxes, corners and along the edges of all the walls.
Is this enough to consider it disinfected or should I do more?

Im am proud to say Ive never had any health problems with any of my girls and I dont want to start now by putting them in a coop that is cleaned properly.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!!
A lot of people on here are proponents of a product called oxine. A bit expensive but I believe it is supposed to wipe out any chicken diseases that may be present.

If the coop has not been used by chickens for several months or a year or so, I would probably not do more than you have done.

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