Disinfecting a used hutch!


8 Years
May 26, 2011
North Carolina
Hi! I searched this topic and got one thread but it was on a brooder. A little different.

Anyways,hears what I need help on. I just bought a used hutch. It has 3 different pens in one. The middles I may make removable. Havent decided yet. Anyways! Back to the point.

It has been used by the prior owner with his chickens and at one time rabbits it looks like. So I was wondering what would be a good way to disinfect/clean it really well. I will have a broody and her chicks in it soon so I want it to be extremely clean for them and whoever else I decide to put in there.

Thanks! I really appreciate it!
Hello- I'd probably just give it a good cleaning with Lysol or Pine-sol. Rinse it out real good,and set it out in the open air to let it dry and air out.
Ive heard 10% bleach in water works but just do a search for disinfectant bleach or oxine here on the site and look at some of the recipies.

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