Disney junkies I need input... were back!!!!

We went to Disney World for the first time last December, courtesy of my wonderful MIL (she even arranged an anniversary dinner for us at Victoria & Albert's!). For my 5-year-old, it was first and foremost about the Magic Kingdom. While I was busy getting an early-morning shot of Cinderella's Castle, I very nearly missed the REAL "money shot."



We basically went by what our daughter wanted, and we had a pass that let us visit any park we wanted all week, which was nice. Even though she LOVED Magic Kingdom, the only park she asked to visit more than once was Epcot, which was our favorite as well. I couldn't get enough of that giant golfball.



Hubs and I really enjoyed Animal Kingdom, but our daughter seemed less impressed. I bet if we went again this year (fat chance, financially), she'd appreciate it more, being a year older.


Himalayan Yeti-themed roller coaster


From the Animal Kingdom Jungle Safari



Me, I'd have been all about the animals. For my daughter, so far, she hasn't gotten past the princesses.

wow your pictures are awsome... now wouldyou come with and take some of us..
just kidding ... I think we are more leaning to animal kingdom... but we will make the final decision today or tomorrow..

We have tickets.. we bought a 3 day park hopper pass not too long back when my mom was in town.. we went down there and only used 2 days of it.. they expire december 1st so we need to use them up..

we will be staying at fort wilderness and do the whole camping thing.. I am excited...

I will post some pictures when I get back.. my camera doesnt take that good of pictures tho...
what an eye for photos. thanks everyone for your imput.

see ya real soon
I've been to Disney World three times (once with my family, once with a mentally handicapped girl and her family who invited me along to accompany her as a HS graduation present for the girl -- I grew up with the girl and we had a blast, and once just solo).

To be honest I couldn't pick just one park... I had to get the (however many days) hopper pass each time. I'd focus on one park a day, and if I missed anything I really wanted to see, I'd spend an extra day there. Epcot is totally awesome! I always loved playing with their inventions! Oh, and DisneyWorld was the first place I got to experience 3-D. I am legally blind in my left eye and have been since birth. Traditional blue/red lenses don't work for me. But at Disney, they have at least one show running right now. Muppets 3-D. Who doesn't love Kermit and Miss Piggy??
Their technology utilizes solid, matching gray lenses for both eyes. It was an incredible thing for me to experience since even in every day life, I don't really see in 3-D.

Sorry to post a day late! I hope you're having a wonderful time!
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YES we had a great time...

it was a little rough at first... i broke down and cried.. NOTHING went the way I thought it should... leaving late... Forgetting diapers... (how do you forget diapers ?????) getting there in the dark setting up a tent we have never set up before.. (communicating with my DH about it) forgetting our pillows...
overly excited kids that forget to listen....
a almost 2 year old that doesnt listen anyway... having issues with the delivery of the pins we ordered for the kids... driving to several post offices the morning we were supposed to be in the park... sending DH and kids to the park (knowing I will be missing seeing the look on their faces)
the park not finding my DH tickects... :thun and the conformation # in the car I was driving while I am standing in line at the LONG line at the post office... leaving the long line to get conformation # only to get back in at the super longer end... DH calling me back after getting back in line only to ask me where the kids tickets were... (in my stinking purse)
loosing our extra magic hour screwing around with tickets and pins... finally getting to park finding DH and the kids... (they reissued tickes) if it could go wrong that morning and evening before it did.... we had a good time after we all were in the park... I got my crying out of the way...
we had fun.. we went to the animal kingdom... my DH was continually taking video...

we only bought one meal at disney world.. We took our microwave camping with us... and lots of food. And disney lets people take food into the parks.. So I packed all kinds of goodies for the kids.. we went to McDonalds after the park closed at 5.. then went on over to downtown disney.. (note to self park in parking lot 1 or 2, that is where all the realistic shops are) We parked in lot 4 and I volunteered to go and get the car I walked for 30 min strait to get it.. But we had fun at LEGO and toy stores... I totally let the kids do whatever... how often do we go to disney.. My DH totally wants to go back.. we then discovered our final secret to disney the next morning...

secret #1 order your pins for pin trading online .. we paid $1.75 vs $7-15 for each pin at the park...

secret #2 bring into the park your own food.. and get one hot meal a day.. or bring a microwave and only get one meal the whole trip

secret #3 there is a walmart about 4 miles away from disney world with an entire disney section available for purchase. Instead of paying $22-$40 for a disney t-shirt.. we paid $6.95 and $11.95 and the sweat shirts and jackets were around $20 vs over $40..

so that is my todays economy secrets for disney...

we had a great time after we all settled... if I could do it again .. I would have paid the extra $17 a day and gotten a hotel room... and still brought the microwave..

I didnt get very good pictures.. so I might just have to see if ninjapoodles might share...
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If you got the park hopper you have to do both, do animal kingdom early in the morning when the animals are out, and then go to MGM at night and catch the light show!!!
If you don't have the hopper it isn't too
late to do so, then you have the best of both worlds!
good, you found the walmart! i was surprised it was so close, but what a trip saver! we got those "gifts" for everyone there and the autograph books, handheld fans (july), so we could spent more on ride pics, and snacks (ice pops). there's a new store downtown disney that's suppose to be under $10..?
We went in March this year. We went to all of the parks. Had a blast. My legs still hurt. We have a friend who works there. He plays several characters. I can't tell which park I liked best but of the ones mentioned, I liked Animal Kingdom best. I can't remember now where everything was but my favorite ride overall was Expedition Everest.

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