Disturbance to setting hen....will my chicks still hatch?

abacus chicks

6 Years
Aug 2, 2013
We have a broody bantam who has been broody for weeks so, trying to be kind, we got her 6 buff Orpington fertile eggs and set them under her using an old coop recently vacated by some cockerels we have sold. She sat happily for 24 hours then found her off the nest looking poorly. Discovered the coop was infested with mites and this is what caused her distress. We treated her and within 24 hours she was sat back in her eggs and now won't budge as she is back to her normal self! My question is, will these eggs have any chance of hatching?
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Here is a link to the Broody hen thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/496101/broody-hen-thread
I think 24 hrs. off wouldn't hurt them. After several days you could try candling them to see if they are developing.

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