Diving back into my hobby



Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 31, 2021
SE Michigan
So it's been... probably 2 1/2 years since I've worked with glass. Mostly, I fuse. Sometimes I mosaic. Maybe one day, I'll do leading. I also tole paint, on occasion. Glass is an extremely "space-hogging" hobby. We have a small home, and I needed to make one of my spare rooms into a space for my grandson, as I keep him every-other weekend. Well, this summer, I had my garage transformed into a studio. It's stuffed to the gills with my supplies and equipment. This is the "working side" of the studio. The other end is my "supplies" side. I'll spare you the shot of that side. 😉
It's been so long, I'm going to have to re-learn my kilns. I'm a little nervous, but still excited. And with winter on our heals, it's perfect timing. I didn't have chickens, last time I glassed. So, of course, I'll start with something chicken-themed. 😁
Here we go! Wish me luck
DEFINITELY want to see pictures!
Ok, will share when I get something done. I'm currently cutting ::wait for it:: ... chicken ornaments! 😁 They'll be done in a style similar to those in my glass art album - with the dangling-bead feet. Maybe I'll personalize them with my girls' names (as they will be wearing little aprons ♡)
I think I'd like to come up with some kind of chicken sun catchers, too.

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