DIY HUMANE way to Kill Slaughter Chicken (Stun-kill, Gas)

Maybe the stab wound that allows entry into the brain is painful? I know a knife being shoved into the roof of the mouth has to hold some discomfort.

Yes it may be so but that is why we need to be QUICK about it!

Yeah people CAN get "over the top" with these kind of methods. Slice or chop, its done!
Wow, 41 pages and counting. Obviously a tough subject. I think the problem is; it's not pretty. No real way to sanitize the process. I don't enjoy any part of it. We live in a society that thinks food just comes from the store, ignoring that killing is a part of it. And we can all rest assured our methods are more humane (or at least caring) than any large scale producer.

Not meaning to offend; but I would suggest anyone going to such lengths as gassing a bird prior to dispatching it should probably just give it up. Just keep your chickens as pets, let them die of old age, and go to the store to buy your meat. And pretend it just comes 'that way'.
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Wow, 41 pages and counting. Obviously a tough subject. I think the problem is; it's not pretty. No real way to sanitize the process. I don't enjoy any part of it. We live in a society that thinks food just comes from the store, ignoring that killing is a part of it. And we can all rest assured our methods are more humane (or at least caring) than any large scale producer.

Not meaning to offend; but I would suggest anyone going to such lengths as gassing a bird prior to dispatching it should probably just give it up. Just keep your chickens as pets, let them die of old age, and go to the store to buy your meat. And pretend it just comes 'that way'.
Threads like this are precisely why I am vegan. The torture and horror assocaited with killing a living being is beyond my comprehension or tolerance.
Haven't kept up with this thread, it is from 2007, obviously a hot topic. However...

This IS the meat bird section.

And really, if you just do the job quickly and with confidence, there is no torture or horror involved. Just break the neck or bleed it right out. Don't fuss about or hesitate, just do it and you'll have dinner.
This whole reply is for both aran and the original maker of this thread. the one aran is with on the issue.

I am with you...there seems no really good way of doing this. I am just going to eat the eggs and leave it at that.

No, that is wrong. Kosher way is the only methoid: to chop its neck in one chop and you have to make it's head seperate from the body the first time you chop. Or the chicken is ruined and bad to eat. The chicken killed any other way, is a chicken that suffered before death. So quick-kill is the best.

Yeah I have killed a chicken non-kosher, but that was before I was into judaism. And a duck before judaism. But I didn't convert to judaism for the reason on how to kill chickens, it's just it's interesting way to kill them without feeling regret and the best way to get the best tasting meat. I always been against eating pig, even Muslims are the same way about pigs. They are dirty, disgusting animals.

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