DIY Thread - Let's see your "Inventions".

We are building a new coop and run for our chickens! We got to many for the space we already had built! And I have babies that I will need to put somewhere when they get big enough to go outside. Here is a picture of our coop in the making, and then we are going to add chain link fence to the left side for the run! I am going to repurpose some 2 x 6 boards for the walls. The coop will be 8' w x 10' L x 6' h. I am using as much used materials I can find. We got alot of the chain link and gate for $50.

That's my wonderful husband up top getting ready to put the tin on the roof!

We are now attempting to hatch.

Not very happy with the one we bought so I have been scouring the net for designs and making one using the best of what I could find and pay for. Also making a auto turner.

Not finished yet, but when the parts get here from the Incubator warehouse I should get it done.

Now sealed and painted in white, keen to finish it.

We also needed a brooder, so I roughed this one up from some left over stuff. 2 Draws back to back. The base from one makes a lid, braced and wired.

Will post some more of the incubator when it's finished.
I took a 10' plastic gutter (on sale for .99), cut it in half, and glued ends on them. Mounted it to a 2"x4" stand.

One is for feed:

One if for water (added a plastic float valve for auto watering):

I had to seal that one up with silicone calk.
I wanted to do this. I still do. How do you keep the water one from freezing?

Thanks everyone. Edited! Realized you can see my guineas in the back of the brooder there. Avoiding me like the plague. ;) I put a nail in the top of the table to hang the heat lamp from as well.
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