DLM in the coop, sand in the run?


8 Years
May 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
I've heard that both methods have benefits and wondering which to use for my new setup. It will have an earth floor in the run, wooden floor in the raised coop.

What do you reckon? Can I have the best of both worlds and use DLM in the coop itself, but sand in the run?
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I am totally new but thats' what I am doing, no clue if I am doing something wrong
I've heard that both methods have benefits and wondering which to use for my new setup. It will have an earth floor in the run, wooden floor in the raised coop.

What do you reckon? Can I have the best of both worlds and use DLM in the coop itself, but sand in the run?

It's perfect​
Anything is better than dirt.. Especially if you have feather legged chickens.

My run is far too large to put sand in it though. I put down leaves instead. It took 5 HUGE bags of leaves to cover the dirt..
Hi, From what I have read and decided to use in both of my coop/run setups, you are on target. I love the deep litter method in coop, along with poop board to help collect alot of the poop before it even hits the floor. Sand in the run to me is the only way to go. Very easy to maintain. Good luck,
I have buff orpingtons and use deep litter inside the coop. I have a secured run attached to the coop that WAS grass for about a day. Now I rake up leaves and dump them inside the run. The birds LOVE it when I give them some fresh leaves.

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