Do ceramic eggs actually work?


5 Years
Aug 5, 2014
SW Texas
I'm thinking of buying some to see if my Buff Orp, Biscuit, might lay in a place where I can actually find her eggs.
She will not lay while caged (no matter the size of the coop) and I have no clue where she is hiding them.
Has anyone had luck with ceramic eggs?
I just use a golf ball in each nesting box...much cheaper! I take it your girl is free-ranging so you don't know exactly where she's laying (?) She most probably has a pile of eggs going by now..yikes! What you can do is watch "chicken TV" .. yep! Track the little devil! Just sit and watch what she does during the day...if you're sneaky enough she'll lead you right to it!
I put both a ceramic egg and a golf ball in each of my two nesting boxes. This was long before anyone started laying eggs. I can't say for sure if it helped or not, but my girls who free range all day do go back into the coop and lay their eggs in the nesting box. It couldn't hurt.
I just use a golf ball in each nesting box...much cheaper! I take it your girl is free-ranging so you don't know exactly where she's laying (?) She most probably has a pile of eggs going by now..yikes! What you can do is watch "chicken TV" .. yep! Track the little devil! Just sit and watch what she does during the day...if you're sneaky enough she'll lead you right to it!

I tried "Chicken TV", but she is super smart and caught on to what I was doing. This is the hen from hell, even if I watch her from a window, she will just stare at me. I watched her from a distance one day for 3 HOURS and she waited until I went inside to lay her egg somewhere. She does not have an egg schedule and once laid one in the middle of the night.
Heard her clucking, went out and found an egg.

I'll try the golf ball idea, thanks.
I finally found where she was laying them: in a bag of cedar shavings.
The eggs where perfectly camouflaged. I put a golf ball in there in hopes she continues.
We didn't have any golf balls or ceramic eggs, so we found some equivalent egg sized rocks and put those in the nests the first few weeks. They all started laying in the nests! :)

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