Do chicken nipples freeze up in midwest winters (Chicago)


10 Years
Apr 13, 2011
I love the 4 chicken nipples I have in base of a plastic bucket. I figure I can heat the water through the winter with an aquarium heater or bird bath deicer. My question and concern is will the nipples still function or will they freeze up as the water goes through them or freezes in the small metal aparatus of the nipple?

I think it will depend if you keep the bucket inside the coop or outside and how many chickens you have using it. The more often they drink the better the chance that it will stay open.
Do you use a heat lamp in your coop? We hang one above our water bowls to keep them open. That should work to keep the nipples from freezing too, then you wouldn't need the heater.

Let us know how it works. I bought the nipples but can't find them !!! But I am about 330 miles North of you in NE WI so for sure mine would freeze up.
Chickens have nipples??
Yes they will.

Your coop if properly ventilated will be very close to the outside temperature, so if it is below freezing, they form ice on the bottom 'stick'. No worries though, when the chicken tickles it the warm water from the bucket flows and melts the ice. they even get an ice chip if they want it. Always a good thing. Gives them something to do.
I used a 25 watt aquarium heater in my 2.5 gallon bucket. The nipples do not freeze unless in gets down to 10 degrees or less. If it stays that low for days I drop in another heater and that usually works.

I could put in a higher wattage heater but I save money with the lower watt and it stays unfrozen unless we have a week of 40 below.
I have one of those drinkers that you poke through the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket. It worked well at first, but now I can't keep it from just running continually and draining all the water out. Any ideas?

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