Do chicken phermones affect people

*Varisha meekly raises her hand* I have gently bit my dog on the top of the muzzel to show I was alpha. Then wondered why the heck I just did that... glad to know i'm not the only one that instinctivly uses animal body language to let them know how you feel about thier behavior.

*Varisha now goes to hide*
I have been tempted a couple times by both my EE and my crazy crazy cuckoo marans, Lenore. On Henderson's chart, marans can either be crazy or calm, just depends on the strain, I got the crazy strain!!!! But yeah, I have been pretty close to biting them. Same with my parrot too.

I've got a cold, laughing that hard is not good for me. Now my sides hurt!!! You're a good roo, Purple, I want the video!
Must be a man thing..
DH bites the dogs to teach them who's dominant.
I'll have to keep an eye on him with the chickens from now on.

Well, I admit it. I quack angrily when my dUcks are bad, but they don't improve their behavior. I also sniff their necks. But I don't bite them.

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