Do chicken phermones affect people

I know a latin horse trainer that once kissed a mare and she went and squatted; went straight into heat she did. A good friend of mine witnessed it......maybe you're related?

I am laughing my butt off too over this post....
Kissing a horse is NOT disgusting.....kissed my horse many a time growing up....but not on the lips
. Can't say I've ever had the urge to kiss one of my chickens although I guess I've nuzzled quite a few baby chicks....does that count as kissing a chicken?
ep.gif did not make her squat!!
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Kissed a horse? That's disgusting.

Gave her a lip smack on the muzzle. With horses, a good looking stud will send those mares into a tizzy....

I am sure kissing a horse is no more disgusting then biting a chicken on the neck!

hmmm have I kissed my horses today?
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I'm not at all sure I should admit to this, but, chiming in here,
I've bit my dogs before, works like a charm to establish dominance. to horses, um, I've nipped their ears to show they are being too pushy. Works well, but not sure I would recommend it to everyone. And of course blown in nostrils to show mutual love.
I have a hard time believing anyone here has never kissed a chicken, horse, or
dog that has been their pet. And it's funny how all the closet biters are coming
out here. I commend your bravery for admiting it, especially in one of my posts.

How can anyone who has chicks in a brooder not grab em and snuggle a bit?
Cute little peeping fluffballs.

And, I admit, I've even kissed a silkie!!!
I just kissed 7 silkies good nightl, I kissed my daughters new boxer puppy, and I just kissed my grandaughters toes! he heee hee
(I only rubbed DH feet didn't kiss em this time)

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