Do chicken phermones affect people

As much as I love my ducks I don't think I could do it!!
I am going to have breakfast with my favorite first cousin in the morning, and bringing up this thread is going to be part of my entertainment contribution to the morning's itinerary. Her husband is in ....a third world country (def: a country in which you cannot buy Coors Light in the capital) ; my husband is OOT on business, so you guys, youse guys, y'all, you'ns, and the rest of you cats out there, be fore warned....

Now. I have a real live really happened joke for ya.

I'm driving the the truck.( Dodge Ram Hemi-black) My 17 year-old daughter with the very blunt mouth is riding shot-gun. My very sweet very silly son (14) and his best buddy from JROTC ( both high school freshmen) are in the back seat and we are taking son's buddy home after school. Son's buddy knows we have animals, because I showed to pick the kids up from school with two Nigerian Dwarf does tied down in the bed cause they had run away from home and when I retrieved them I needed to go straight and pick up the kiddies.

So, son's buddy brings up that they have chickens. I ask what breeds. He list off a few, and then after a pause adds... and 1 Domineker hen.

My daughter, the one with the blunt mouth,,, turns round and asks (sincerely) did you say "dominant p*&%@r"?

So, the day after, I am feeding up and this young cockerel tries to accost me for the umpteenth time and I happened to have a lead line in my hand and I swatted at him with it and told him "I am the dominant p*&%@r in this yard" and no more problem! Acts like a gentleman now.

I won't bore you with other stories about the doberman, the gelding I have that is a great ride but acts like a stud etc.

So, I totally understand.

And Terilacy-moderator: that was awesome-poofing the thread like that. I have no tolerance for some one with no sense of humor. I'm sure that is why I love this forum so.
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hahahahahahha, thats odd.

tho I will admit..I have bit my dog...kissed my roos AND my horses...I even taught my parrot to make kissing noises and to give kisses..haha

there pets..why not?

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I'll have to try that PC! I admit to using a wide variety of ALPHA body language on my dogs, attempting a stare-down or two with my cats (who can win against a CAT??). I have done the "You WILL squat for me!" to nipping chickens.. everyone has been kissed (kids, dogs, cats, guinea pig, AND chickens.. not to mention DH, who probably loves my kisses most of all
), but I can't say I've bit anyone.

I do understand though. When you REALLY start to understand an animal's body language, sometimes a "foreign" word slips out without meaning to do it.

So I don't think you are weird.. just observant! (although, now that I'm in my thirties, I like to say that I embrace my inner weirdness, so I'm probably a crappy judge!)

LOL! Bet it was still a hilarious pic! I'd pay money to see that!


I was on this forum on and off all day yesterday, how in the world did I miss 4 pages of Purple Chicken Charming his girls??!! Good gawd, I can't believe I did not see this thread, course maybe it was a good thing, all that charisma he must have influencing his hens and all....!! Hilarious, that purple dye must be dangerous stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, Ive just seen this, had a really hectic weekend here.
I am totally shocked at this behaviour.
Not the biting part but the fact that he kissed a silkie, now id like to see a pic of that!!
Nothing shocks me anymore!!!

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