Do chickens have a "sweet spot"?


9 Years
Mar 6, 2011
I mean a special place where they tend to like to be petted or scratched? Like a dog or cat behind the ears or a dog's tummy where it makes their leg go crazy.
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Mine don't like to be touched. They will come up to me and take treats from my hands but that's as far as it goes. If I try to touch them or pick them up they leave.
I Alwayse just scratch them on there chest an neck an they seem to like it pretty good lol. But don't mind Tha back ? Idk y But hope tha info helps
One of mine definitely has a sweet spot! She stretches her neck out and soaks it up. My favorite doesn't seem to like cuddling though
but she does fall asleep on my lap often!
My EE kitten, er, chicken likes to jump in my lap, tuck her head in the crook of my arm and have me scratch her under the wings. Don't suppose I'll get another chicken like that, but I do find that the others in the flock like to have their waddles rubbed- they close their eyes and look all dreamy when you do that. My other flock, though, is still working up enough nerve to take food from my hands. No waddle-rubbing going on there..... They don't know what they're missing.
this has been alot of help, great post!

Question: how can you tell if your chicken like where your petting?

my BO jumps on my leg and lets me hold her but im not sure what she likes as far as petting goes
My daughter say the chickens prefer to be scratched on their chest & guineas on their backs. DD is 11 & she spends countless hours with the chicks everyday. She treats them all like pets. She is working hard on training her favorite girl now for a pet talent show! She is even p trying to make matching hats for her & her chicken!!!!!
Most of mine, as chicks, loved having their chests rubbed gently. As adults, some will still permit it. Those that like to get into my lap or sit next to me on a retaining wall will allow some back patting.

And, during "the squat" I give a skritch to the back of the neck, another one at the base of the tail-feathers, and a pat on the back, saying "Good girl!" I know they equate that with being mounted, but they do like my attention.

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