Do chickens PEE??


12 Years
Well I have more then that question but yes I would like to know if chickens pee... I know that might sound like a stupid question but I h ave never seen my chicks pee...and also I was wondering can all nine of my chickens share one roost. It's long about 4feet and it has a top on it...I just want to know i they'll share it or do they need to all have thier own?
we poop and pee.... chickens go number three!
In fact fresh cow dung is supposed to cure chapped lips. Don't ask me how it works except that the people who were either brave or desperate enough to smear fresh cow poop on their lips were persuaded not to lick their lips anymore.
Wives tale....or just farmers joke.
Carried on by the maker of Chicken Poop Lip Junk.
Which BTW is the best lip balm I've ever used due to the avocado oil in it.
Chickens do not 'pee' like other animals, but they do emlinate urates (like urine) in every few poos. If you look, you'll see white and brown. The white is the urate, the brown is, well, poo!

As far as the 4' roost, they don't each need their own, but 9 chickens may be a bit crowded on just 4' of roost space. I would add one more that length if you have the room to be safe. I think it is said that each chicken needs a minimum of 8 inches of roost space. 4' is 48 inches which would technically be enough roost space for 6 chickens (48/8=6).

Hope that helps!
Chickens do not 'pee' like other animals, but they do emlinate urates (like urine) in every few poos. If you look, you'll see white and brown. The white is the urate...

For those who like old fashion, old timey, or holistic cures and remedies here is one for you try out. First scrap off the white cap of urates from your chicken's poor then brew tea from it. I never did figure out what this cure was for but it was right up there with all the hoopla about other Holistic remedies of today.

In fact fresh cow dung is supposed to cure chapped lips. Don't ask me how it works except that the people who were either brave or desperate enough to smear fresh cow poop on their lips were persuaded not to lick their lips anymore. :oops::lau
I would keep an eye on a chick with any red in their poo. It may have been just something they ate, and may pass on its own, but it could indicate a problem.

Check the chicks vent. Are there any wounds that you can see? Is the chick prolapsed (part of the inards protruding from the a hemroid)? Is there alot of poo stuck to their bottom (pasty bottom)? If you notice any of this you'll need to fix it right away before it gets worse, or the other chicks start pecking at its bottom. The chick could then get shocky, stressed, or bleed to death. Blood in the poo (if it is blood your seeing) can also be a symptom of Cocci in chicks.

If you dont see any of the above, I would just seperate the chick for a day or so and see if it has anymore "red" in the poo. If not, then I would assume its fine to put back with the others.

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