Do chickens really want perches in the run?


14 Years
Feb 20, 2009
North Atlanta area, USA
Are the chickens going to use perches that I was planning on putting up in the run? Do your chickens enjoy/use roosts/perches in your run area? Or should I just put a area of leaves and a dust box? I would love to know what people have found that their chickens love to use in their runs.
My flock free-ranges all day, and they have two covered shelters with roosts that they seem to enjoy, especially during any type of rainy or cold weather. They eat/drink/range for awhile in the morning, then many of them nap on the roosts for awhile. I also put the old Christmas tree out there each year, and they roost on that! I don't think your efforts would be unappreciated.
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I've got a 4x4 dust bath box in the run that they use all the time, and several other "perches". Cinder blocks, stone blocks, tree stump, and a swing (that they won't go near yet!). They use everything but the swing.
I think for out in the run you can go as high as you want...but if you have heavier birds you may want to keep them from jumping down from height onto a hard surface, to prevent any leg injuries. I think all of mine are no more than 2 or 3 feet off the ground (with a couple of the blocks being 6" to 12" high), and they jump down into about 3" of pdz, so a fairly soft landing.
Yes they love to be up high and in a safe place, I try to stay at about three feet high… as noted above heavy birds can damage their feet coming down from much higher, if the surface is a hard one. I free range as well, but the basic concept works in and for runs as well. Birds just like to be up off of the ground if they are not eating and such. I decided to attach a view of one of my new portable designs, I use different length poles for different places and am able to move them as needed or even put them away should I choose. Perhaps you will come up with something and get your creative juices flowing, in order to serve and solve a need for your birds,

Best to you and your birds,

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My flock regularly use a 4" thick pole I have in the run at a height of about 3 feet. The rooster likes to get on it and crow. The hens like to get on it to get away from the amorous advances of the rooster. And they all like to get on it late in the day to preen, and get ready to go into the coop for the night.

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