Do chicks ever sleep in weird positions? and chick age question

I have chicks pushing 5 weeks now and they will sleep in odd positions still under certain conditions. Normally when on roost they tuck head under wing when sound asleep. Partially awake they have head out but eyes still closed. When sleeping on flat surface head position as indicated above.

The odd sleep posture is when they are physical contact with me. They lie with neck stretched out, flat on ground. Legs tucked under body but toes may or may not be curled. Is it my heat or something else (i.e. heart beat) that makes them so relaxed?
I think every single newbie has had that near heart attack at seeing some or all of the chicks "dead" in the brooder. And then again when they think their chickens are having seizures (dust bathing).

Here's a sample "double homicide" in the chicken run:
Lol my lil chicks are just weird in general hahaha! I always am STUNNED by the things they do, and I have only had them for a week hahaha! Little weirdo's guess they just are comfortable in those funny odd positions
Thank goodness google came up with this when I searched for "normal sleeping positions in chickens". Just noticed my 4 week old white silkie laying on her side. Thought she was dead or something.. She's rolling around in the pine bedding. I guess she's taking a dust bath? LOL.

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