Do deathlayers really lay everyday till death?


Dec 30, 2019
Polk City, FL
My Coop
My Coop
I have heard a few people say death layers lay every single day until death.... is this true? If not how often do they lay? How big are the eggs and what color are they? Oh and if you bred one to a different breed would the offspring lay as often or close to as often as the death layer or would they lay like regular hens?Feel free to share pictures of your death layers and/or their eggs. :) Thanks!
They do lay a lot of eggs. But "Every-day-until-they-die" probably isn't true.
Deathlayers will lay around 250 medium sized white to off white eggs per year per hen.
Ok so if I'm right most chickens lay past 2-3 years but they usually stop laying as frequently. Would a death layer take a little longer to stop laying as frequently or are they like any other chicken? I probably sound stupid but oh well... I hope that made sense. 😂
Ok so if I'm right most chickens lay past 2-3 years but they usually stop laying as frequently. Would a death layer take a little longer to stop laying as frequently or are they like any other chicken? I probably sound stupid but oh well... I hope that made sense. 😂

maybe they slow down a little later than other chickens

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