do ducks need a "nesting" box like hens like?

I just took some old firewood for my mallard & fixed this for her. She's used it everytime she lays.

My lady Quackalots lay their eggs in their own nesting areas. Usually it is the smalles possible place they can fit their duckie bodies into! The only one who doesn't lay in a box is Babette and that is because she thinks she's a chicken so she lays in the coop in the hen's nest in the corner.
i have one pekin girl, and she lays her eggs where ever she chooses. one day, when we dumped out their pool, her egg rolled out. the first egg the boys stepped on. after awhile, they will all help her dig a hole, and then we will find all of her eggs in there. don't know how she picks her spot, but once she finds it, she keeps it.
yep. i've heard it works because if they see something that looks like another duck egg, then they know its a safe spot to lay their egg. its also why they quack so loud when they are laying! they want to let any other hens know that they've found a nice spot. or at least thats what i've heard...
I use a little short sided box in the corner on the floor...nothing covered or fancy like for a chicken...using the golf ball I trained them to go in there, then one got broody on the ball so I took it away
she started to lay again, like a good girl always in the box
Make sure it's nice and clean and fluffy or mine hold it and wait for it to be dumped out and cleaned...picky ducks! Don't make it messy then!

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