Do eggs hatch under the hen?

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
My broody's eggs are due to hatch in 12 days. I've had a broody hatch eggs before, but they hatched in the middle of the night so I wasn't there! But then I got to thinking...could you even see them hatching? Do the eggs hatch under the hen, or out in the open? I'd imagine having a someone poking out of a shell wouldn't be very comfortable to sit on...
It will all happen under your hen. Don't disturb or lift her. You will know they are close to hatching because she will refuse to leave the nest for even a few minutes to get a drink or food. If it's super hot try to get water within reach for her. I've only let broodiest hatch twice but babies were hatched and dry before I even knew they were out!

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