Do feed stores order vaccinated chicks?


9 Years
Feb 12, 2010
Kurtistown, Hawaii
Most of my chickens came from a local feedstore which orders from Ideal. When the feedstore orders them, does it have the hatchery vaccinate them? I am going to order directly from Ideal, and I am planning not to vaccinate, but if my flock from the feedstore have been vaccinated, should I? One of my roosters was hatched in an incubator and is not vaccinated, and he has never gotten sick from the others, so I am wondering.
Thats are real good question. Our feed store orders from Ideal also. I should ask them myself.
If you are ordering yours directly from Ideal, like you said, just get them vaccinated, I think it costs like .15! Not bad at all. Have fun with your new chicks.
b.hromada :

Thats are real good question. Our feed store orders from Ideal also. I should ask them myself.
If you are ordering yours directly from Ideal, like you said, just get them vaccinated, I think it costs like .15! Not bad at all. Have fun with your new chicks.

The problem with getting the new ones vaccinated when I don't know whether the older ones have been or not, is that I have read that vaccinated chickens can introduce Marek's into the environment, and if the older ones are not vaccinated, that could be possibly fatal. But yes, it is a good price if I decide to
You should try calling your feed store and asking. They should be able to tell you if they had the chicks vaccinated.

My guess would be no, as that would cost them more money. Plus they most likely sell the vaccines, so it's extra money in their pocket if you wanted vaccinated chicks.

Just my thoughts though.

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