Do Hawks go after full grown chickens?

I was just looking up Coopers hawk when you beat me to It doesn't look like the Missippi kite either.
I should note that I'm from Canada if that makes a difference.

I'm thinking it's has a darker front, not light like those mentioned.
Bigger than a red tail hawk.
My husband just came in and he thinks they're dark red with a grey front...

I'll have to note closer when we get out into harvest.
OP, I should note that some people will string fishing line/small rope across the area where their chickens run.
If you're chickens run outside of that area (like mine do) then it won't work in the open.

Edited to "hopefully" make more
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One of the neighbors who used to have chickens told me that If you have black chickens the hawks may think they're crows and leave them alone. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this? I've just ordered my first flock of chickens today so I'm interested in hearing any replies.

I do not think color makes any difference, rather movement does. The hawks can distinguish bird species probably better than we can and they will catch and kill crows from time to time. Coloration might make a difference with broody hens sitting tight on offspring in cover. My game hens can vary greatly with respect to color and white hens in a leave bed or weed patch in a field are easy to spot even when they are not moving. Black hens almost as easy to see.

In my location the hawks know where my chickens can be found but have reasons other that coloration effecting decision whether to go after chickens or not. Other factors far more important for chickens moving about to be targeted.
Recently there have been 2 active hawks near my yard. The girls are in a covered run but I like to let them free range. I only let them out when I am out there. The hawks have been screaming back and forth for a couple of weeks. They do land in trees nearby. I think they are protecting their territory. My husband doesn't think they would bother with the chickens when we have so many open fields and a vineyard around to hunt in. Anyone have any thoughts? How to dissuade them? One was pretty close today and I walked right up to where it was sitting in a tree and he flew away. It's unnerving to hear them scream but I figure they won't be hunting if they are screaming?? It think it's a red shouldered hawk. My girls are about 9 mos., Americaunas, Rhode Islands and Brahma. No rooster, but I am within 10' of them when they are outside.
Yes, I've been dealing with chicken hawks every year since I've gotten my chickens. Some years are better than others. I have lost 4 total. Look for fake Owl. Hawks are afraid of owls.

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