Do I Have a Case of Bumblefoot?

Aug 28, 2020
I’ve tried to watch when she walks because she won’t let me get near her. It looked flat and evenly gray colored like the rest of her foot. As best I could see anyway. We adopted her and three other adult chickens from a friend who had to move. Of the four of them she has never had any interest in letting me get near her. My best chance would be when she’s already roosted for the night.
Nighttime on the roost is the best time to take them off and examine them, as well as giving medications or treatments. Bumblefoot starts as a little cut or scab and usually gets bigger. It can be common to have it between the toes or on the toe pads as well. With bumblefoot, most people begin with soaking the feet and legs in warm Epsom salts or soapy water to soften any scabs. Then try to remove scabs and squeeze out any cheesy core or solid pus. Surgery can also be done to remove the core. Here is an article that has a lot of info:

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