Do I have a rooster!?!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 11, 2010
A few weeks ago I noticed the tail feathers on my silkie were growing longer and the feathers around her/his neck long. But I thought maybe she was just different because she also has no feathers on her feet and a lot of character on the face. I have taken some pics and was hoping someone here can tell me. This morning I saw my unusual silkie get on top of another silkie and bite her neck. Sounds like a man to me, lol.


Yes he is a roo he has spurs on his legs, long sickle feathers on his tail, and a big cone and pair of wattles, he is most definitely a roo and him grabbing a hen by the neck and getting on her is mounting her to breed, he may just be a low quality Silkie and that is why he doesn't have feathers on his feet
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Wow, I thought I would be "oh no, I have a roo!", but as soon as I read that I was like WOW I have a roo! LOL....oh this obsession it's crazy. Thank you so much! I am now off to figure out how to tell if I can eat an egg or not. This is all too new for me. I have a boy, awwwww
Not sure if anyone will read this second question but I was wondering if my new rooster will mate with ALL my chickens (flock is mixed) or just the silkies?
Yes, he will probably mate with any hen he can get. And you can eat all the eggs -- it doesn't matter if it's fertilized. It doesn't become a chick until it gets incubated.

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