Do i have an olive egger? or just an easter egger that lays olive-y colored eggs.


6 Years
Jun 3, 2013
Los Angeles
I have two easter eggers and they both lay different colored eggs of course. One lays a bright pastel blue egg and another lays a dusty green egg.

My phones camera isnt justifying their colors.. sorry =(

the left egg was laid by chico, and the right was from beef. Without flash

With flash

This is Chico

This is beef

Did beef lay an olive egg? Or am i just color blind.
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Easter Eggers are not necessarily a breed per say. They have no standard coloration for their feathers or their eggs. I have heard of them laying light pink colored eggs as well, but most often blues and greens. The closer the eggs are to blue, the closer the bloodline is to the Ameraucana breed to my knowledge. The blue coloration goes all the way through like a white egg. However, brown is deposited as a layer on the egg, and can even be scrubbed off when cleaning. So a green egg actually comes from that blue shelled egg getting a deposit of brown layered on top of it. The darkness/ shade of green will come from both how pronounced the blue is, but mostly the level of brown deposited on it. So, it depends basically on the cross breeding. Long story short since Easter Eggers are not technically a breed, you might still be able to classify the bird as one. However, to my knowledge the only qualification of being an olive egger is to lay olive colored eggs. I think the classifications are even less strict. So you could also call the bird an olive egger. I would say if the bird does not have some distinguishing Ameraucana style characteristics (like the beard) it might be more easily classified as an olive egger. In my opinion you have a couple of cool looking birds, and awesome colored eggs. Plus, a chicken named beef? I love it.
Olive Egger eggs are very dark olive green, you can see two of them in this carton of eggs
I have one that lays a khaki-green like that. She looks a lot like your Chico. It's not olive but still pretty and a nice addition to the colorful egg basket. An olive layer is on my "most wanted" list but you pretty much need to find someone breeding Ameraucanas, Marans, and olive eggers to get an olive egger.
My Easter Eggers lay eggs that vary in color from day to day, lol. Some days they have a more greenish tint to them than other days.
Thanks for the replies! Kind of bummed lmao ive been wanting an olive egger thenl i noticed that beef always laid those dusty green eggs.. although they arent as vibrant as the OLIVE eggs.. i still think its barely almost kind of close enough even if beef isnt an olive egger haha. thanks again! =D

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