Do I have to lock them in the coop at first?

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
My 6 girls are 16 weeks old. The coop will be done soon (hopefully by the end of this weekend). I remember reading how you should lock them in the coop for a few days or something...
Do I have to lock them in the coop? If so, how long? What is the reason for this?
Thank you.
Do they have an attached run? Then nooooo
Just be prepared to do the rounding up each night ..and take them into their coop

If coop and just free ranging, then yes..I would definitely keep them in for a few days

But I assume you have an attached run?

It's's summer keeping them locked in a few days I would think would be tuff

I put mine in..and the next day opened their door and they had access only in their run area..collected most in the evening to put back in coop..and after a few days most all found their way back in before dusk..

The reason for locking them in for a few so they no this is home, this where their food and water is.. And this is their safe they no where to go when it's bed time and for egg laying..etc
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Lock them in the coop so they know it is their home. Plus, if they are going to be laying and you give them nesting boxes they will hopefully decide to lay their eggs in the house and you won't have to have an Easter egg hunt every day. If you are going to have a run attached to the house, it is probably not as important because they will be secure in the house/run. If they are going to be free ranging I think locking them up for at least three days to a week is a must. Try to pick days that are not too hot so they won't roast.
If you shut them in their coop for 2/3 days then they will associate the coop as home and more likely to put themselves in for the night.
In this heat, depending where you are and what your coop is like, it could be dangerous or even lethal to lock them in a coop all day. I hope you have a run so you can contain them that way, unless it is a whole lot cooler where you are than here. You may have to bribe them into the coop at night for a few nights, though.

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