Do I have to quarentine 11 week olds?

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
I have six 11 week olds chicks right now and I am thinking about getting somemore chicks around the same age range. Would I need to quarentine them before putting them all together? If so, how long? Thanks.

Edited...Because I forgot how old my chicks were. Man do they grow fast!
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Yes, definitely quarantine for at least a few weeks. You want to make sure the new birds are healthy before mixing them with your flock. Good luck!!
I do have a chicken carrier. But I was thinking the new chicks could use the old chicks brooder that is 4 feet by 4 feet to be quarentined in. (I proble wont get many chicks, only proble 3 at the most) And the chicks I have now will be in their coop

When I quarentine them, is there anything I give them? Like medication? Or do I have to just watch them for a while to be sure they arent showing any signs of sickness?

Thanks again.
sunny & the 5 egg layers :

I do have a chicken carrier. But I was thinking the new chicks could use the old chicks brooder that is 4 feet by 4 feet to be quarentined in. (I proble wont get many chicks, only proble 3 at the most) And the chicks I have now will be in their coop

When I quarentine them, is there anything I give them? Like medication? Or do I have to just watch them for a while to be sure they arent showing any signs of sickness?

Thanks again.

You sound like you have a place to keep them separated. Quarantine is just keeping them from getting others sick in case they are sick.

A lot of people like to dust for mites and lice on new chickens (older) that come onto their property. (This doesn't pertain to new day old chicks and such).

Just be on the lookout for any signs of illness. There are lots of tragic posts on BYC from people who let a new chicken into the flock with no quarantine and then chickens start dying left and right. They are truly sad then.​

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