Do I incubate upright or on the side?


In the Brooder
Oct 12, 2016
Okay, I've watched a video of a hatchery hatching eggs and they had the eggs in a carton upright. But from all the articles I've read, they say to incubate on the side, which makes sense because that's how broody hens hatch. I just wanted to know if it's okay to hatch eggs upright because it would be easier to hatch more since I could put them in egg cartons, giving me more room. I plan on incubating for my first time here in the next couple of weeks!
I'm incubating eggs right now, and I just put them upright. It depends on what incubator your using. I have a Brensea Ovation 28 egg incubator, and there are regular egg places to put them like in egg cartons. It then just turns the eggs however long they need to be turned a day. I think it says "incubate at the side" because hens usually turn their eggs a few times a day, so they get enough heat at all parts of the egg. What kind of incubator do you have? I'm pretty sure all incubators turn the eggs for you, but I'm not sure. Do you have the instructions for the incubator? To answer your question, I think it's fine, as long as it turns the eggs for you or something.
Okay, I've watched a video of a hatchery hatching eggs and they had the eggs in a carton upright. But from all the articles I've read, they say to incubate on the side, which makes sense because that's how broody hens hatch. I just wanted to know if it's okay to hatch eggs upright because it would be easier to hatch more since I could put them in egg cartons, giving me more room. I plan on incubating for my first time here in the next couple of weeks! 

People incubate both ways. So whatever works for you, do it. Many of the styro bators have an automatic turner you can purchase so you don't have to hand turn, but these turners need to be taken out at lockdown therefore most people lay their eggs down to hatch, but there are some that will still transfer them to cut down cartons, because they are most comfortable with that.

I do not use an automatic turner, I prefer to hand turn so usually my eggs are on their side throughout the process.
Just remember if you incubate in cartons, you need to elevate one side so that the tilt, changing sides at least three times a day. Most people use a piece of wood under one side and just move it to the other.
Okay thank you! I'm going to make my own incubator by the way. I just wanted to make sure hatching them upright wouldn't harm them or anything.

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