Do I need Heat lamp?

Harley Demag

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 18, 2012
If it is 95 to 100 degrees outside and we have our chicks on an enclosed porch with lots of sun and lots of glass windows should we use the heat lamp during the day or ONLY at night? Keep in mind there are 25 chicks and they are being shipped to us as we speek so if i get them this afternoon or tomorrow I want to be ready. Will they be too hot? or because they are only 2 or 3 days old should they absolutely have the heat lamp regardless?
Try to keep it at 95 the first week.
Drop 5 degrees each week.
Then watch them, if they huddle together, they are cold.
If they scatter or pant they are hot.
Try to keep temps night and day.
Good luck !!!
I doubt it, with those temps. You could easily have something ready, in case the weather changes, but if your days are near 100, you'll have to actually cool them off, as heat stroke will be your bigger worry. 70 degree nights? That's a bit cool and for the first week, I'd be concerned and watchful for "piling on" and risks of smothering. Once they are a big larger, say at 2-3 weeks, this worry subsides considerably.

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