Do I need to build a pond if I get ducks?


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 19, 2007
New Brunswick, Canada
Hi all!

I've been wanting a couple ducks for a while now, but I've never had any before. Would I need to build a pond for them in the yard since there is no natural water in my area? What about duck housing and feed, I guess the whole nine yards. Do they get along with chickens too?
Hi Jase...I was thinking the same thing when I saw how cute the ducks are on the site. Someone responded to my post and said a kiddie pool would keep the ducks happy and that they get along fine with chickens.
No you dont need a pond, but boy would they love it!!
A Kiddie pool will do just fine, i have a kiddie pool and two old Horse wattering troughs, that my ducks enjoy, and am in the process of putting in a Pond.

Ducks get along fine with chickens, but when adding ducks to your coop, be prepared for extra cleaning! Ducks make quite a mess! They are well worth it tho, just watching them play is worth the work!

Ducks need nesting boxes on the floor of the coop, or like mine, just make a nest of their own on the floor in all the straw. They also need plenty of water. Ducks can eat the same feed as chickens, or you can use waterfowl feed. Mine just eat chicken food, and they do just fine.

if you need anymore info just hollar.
ducks need water 24/7.....if you are taking them in as a what i did then no u dont need to build a pond...just get a kiddie pool for them. but if you are gonna raise duckies as pets year after year then yea build them a pond.

for duckie food..bloiled eggs are a must and salad green are great for them

but they are MESSY lil critters!! and are easily spoiled. mine got alog with all the long as nobody touched their food.
For a pond, is there a way to add a pump to get the dirty bottom sludge pumped out to add clean water?

(perhaps I can get my hubby to make one for me
) but cleaning it would be somethign we'd have to figure out before hand.!
the dirty water will not hurt them, unless it collects garbage. you will be be hurting your self with all the work cleaning up after them!!

if there is a pump that will clean out the sludge, its going to be a night mare, getting clogged, and I would worry about a duck getting caught in the suction depending on how deep the pond is.

i can see now, your duckies are gonna be super spoiled!!
Oh my! Thanks for all the good Information. I really think I can do this. What about cold winters if I keep them, I don't think I want to eat my ducks should I get them.
Ducks do fine in cold weather! Mine Love the snow and will stay in it all day long! I have some pics of my ducks sleeping during a snow storm! they are crazy birds!





I wasj ust telling my daughter this afternoon - she was in the kiddie pool to beat the heat - I said soon she'll have ducks in there with her!

I'm just worried the kiddie pool won't be deep enough when the ducks get bigger.... its only about a foot deep.

(I can't WAIT to get all my chicks and ducks! - and I have a SUPER long wait! 55 days....)
We've got a kiddie pool and that seems more than enough for our ducks. Only a few use it regularly, while the others will take a quick bath every now and then. They don't really need a pool either, but go through water much quicker than chickens so it is helpful.

Regarding cold weather, they just ignore it. We live in northern Michigan, with winter temps of -20 not unknown. For the winter, we have a heated water dish outside their shed, and let them out first thing in the morning. They get their drinks and eat some grain, and promptly settle into the snow drifts for a morning nap! IMHO, much hardier than chickens when it comes to cold.

One thing you should keep in mind is that ducks are VERY messy. They get water everywhere, spill their food, and foul their bedding quicker.


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