Do I need to intervene, Pip on the bottom?


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
My last egg to hatch has a pip but it is on the bottom (of the large side) do I need to intervene? The egg has been rocking but hasn't made any headway on the pip.
No, I have several that end up pipping on the bottom. just lay it on the side and let it rock and roll. if within 24 hours it has not progressed, you could crack a little of the shell to ease the hatching but I would do nothing except get it on it's side so the chick does not drown.
I helped the last of my hatching BCM's this morning day22. I discovered that the pointy end is up instead of the bottom one. I was about to give up on this egg because I didn't see any activity until I turned the egg over. It was halfway pipped but has not mak\\de any progress at that point. Poor little chick was so exhausted when he/she finally out of the shell. He/she's now in the brooder together with the first batch that hatched yesterday on day 21.
He seemed happy to be right side up! Until his sibling went and knocked him over again! I had to set him pip side right twice. My humidity never fell below 55% so I hope I didn't just shrink wrap a baby.
My Chick "Lucky " was a day 26 Chick who pipped on the bottom...I turned him over and waited....about 2 hours later with lots of cheeping I went in and got him....VERY CAREFULLY pulled shell away from his face and made sure he could breathe....then he looked at me like "a little help here!" LMBO! Anyway, I took all the shell off him and he got up and ran around bater cheeping like nobodys business. Had to put him in with the others in brooder as soon as he was dry cause he was yelling constantly!
Now he beats up his older siblings ! lol They are 23 days old and he is 18 days old, doing great!
Good Luck with whatever you decide to do!
Congrats on your hatch!
He's been pipped for sometime so I'll give him a little more now that he is in a better place. Either he'll hatch soon, I'll help him or I won't sleep again tonight. It's as stressful as a newborn. How do y'all do this on a regular basis....I'm completely knackered.

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