Do I put something on him or let nature take its course?

Oh what a beautiful tom! Good luck with his rehab.
Keep me abreast of his progress, Amanda.
I was told to use peroxide up front, then saline solution after that on open wounds. Saline solution, like salt water, is very healing and should be painless. Try not to use ointments, the wound needs to "breathe". I hope he pulls through, and I am so sorry about your duck.
The antibiotics in the water may work, but if it's deep, I'd give him a shot or three of Penn-G. I've found that it's easier than ointment with birds who don't handle well. It really sucks to rip open a newly closed wound fighting to apply antibiotic. Good luck!
Sorry, Karen, but DO NOT use TriCare on those wounds. It contains benzocaine and aromatics that we applied to my Hawkeye 5 minutes before he dropped dead. Birds can be very sensitive to benzocaine--they use it to euthanize amphibians in labs, even

Use plain neosporin type ointment on the wounds and 3 days of Pen-G shots and he may pull through this.

Someone I know on BYC used to show birds as a teen. A person rubber-banded the feet of the ones they were selecting to take to the show. The next morning, she found that they had picked their feet bloody trying to get the bands off. She ran and got what they used on ant bites, benzocaine, and applied to their feet. Within a few minutes, several were dying or already dead. It can shut down the nervous system.
I was just going to post this, Cyn - thanks! It's anything with "...caine" in the name, correct, Cyn?
I am so glad to hear some good news!
I have my fingers crossed that Denozo makes a full recovery and that Gibbs returns home.
Bless your heart! You have had a real rough time of it.

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