Do I really HAVE to cook my keets?


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Central Ohio
By cook, I mean provide heat. I don't know why the idea scares me to death, but it does. I may be getting 19 guinea keets on Friday, they will be 7 days then. Our house isn't a/c and the upstairs stays pretty warm. How crucial is it that they stay at 95 degrees (is that right?), and for how long?
Also, how much space will I need? Obviously they will grow, so how much room for my week olds and how much by the time they can go outside?
Well, I'm also new, so I may have just been lucky with my chicks (because this isn't a system-it's something that I've only done once), but the guy at the feed store said just to use a desk light, which I did, and it was often about 85-90 ish. My chicks are 6 weeks old now, and seem fine, so I think it was fine. Good luck with yours!
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well, no worries, the lady gave away my keets.

I guess she didnt want to wait till Friday. I wish she would have told me though, I could have had a friend closer to her get them and hold them for me.

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