Do I really need an incubator?


In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2015
The average temp last week was 89° and humidity 55% (max high was 103° and max low was 74°). This next week is going to be more of the same.

Do I really need an incubator with this weather? I'm thinking about just collecting the eggs into an insulated box to reduce the temp fluctuations and leaving them outside. I guess I could wait and see if one of the ducks will go broody, but I'd rather they didn't as I only want to hatch a few and keep eating the rest
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Yes I agree with the temps fluctuation you'd be very lucky to get anything to hatch. I've made incubators and have hatched lots but very difficult if you cannot keep that exact perfect temp and humidity
i wouldnt try it.Eggs need to be turned and night temps cool down.Im about 36 hours into attempting to rescuing a abandoned egg on hatch date and my home made incubator has keps me busy checking temp and humidity every 20 minutes lol
Ya'll are no fun, lol...

I bought the Tractor Supply special today. Have 18 in there now. All of these eggs have been sitting outside with the ducks with the oldest being 8 days old. They kept piling them up, but not sitting on them. This is my first time trying to incubate eggs so I feel like a giddy school kid

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I bought the same incubator this year and I love it. Just keep a thermometer inside it the one on it isn't perfect and keep a eye on humidity good luck! I had a blast hatching all my birds this year
Yep I found the thermometer built into it reads about 6° low. If you actually put it up on 99° according to that thermometer it would be too hot

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