Do Mille Fleur d'Uccles make good pets?

Fruit Juice

10 Years
Mar 13, 2009
Boulder, CO
Do Mille Fleur d'Uccles make good pets? How many eggs do they lay?
Pics welcome.
I have 2 MF d'Uccle hens that are about 11 months old. They're friendly... when I can catch the fast little boogers. As far as laying, they're not nearly as dependable as my Black Australorp, who lays almost daily, but their eggs are not that much smaller than hers compared to the difference in their body sizes.

We love our feather-footed, muffed-faced, spotted little girls.

BTW, mine try to hide their eggs and one of mine went broody this past November, at around 7 months old.
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I have had several d'Uccles including a roo. All had great personalities. Very people friendly birds. I would love to have more! I would recommend them to anyone.


edited to add: Mine were good regular layers and wonderful mamas
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I have one rooster that thinks he wants to live inside and is always sitting on my shoulder chattering up a storm. He was my main one to always jump the fence and come to the door begging. He has also been on a car ride and liked it.


The other two roosters are more stand-offish and chicken-like in their behavior. Small in size, big in attitude.

The hens are very friendly and until everyone went broody here I was getting 9- 10 eggs per day out of 12 pullets (not all d'uccles). I would say about 5/6 eggs per week.

I posted this picture elsewhere but these girls just crack me up - two of them are broody and sharing a nest, the other two just wanted to be with them:
Kanchii - that is how our Rougue is - likes to be inside with us, sits on the back of the chair and watches TV, etc.

He is an absolute goofball AND we just put some3-6 week old chicks out in the coop which he has taken under his wing so to speak and shows them around.
D' Uccles and Booted Bantams both can make wonderful pets and lay well. You have to remember that no matter what the breed, you can always get one that is NOT friendly though

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