I have a rooster, hens are coming. He does not use the ladder to go into the coop. In fact he would rather roost
under a tree then in the coop. Which I am going to have to relocate him there when we are finished with the
fencing around the coop. Once he is pinned inside the chicken run where access to the coop is via the ladder to
the opening of the coop will he know how to use it? Will the hens that we get know to go up the ladder to get
to the roosts and laying baskets thus teaching him. Or is our rooster that stupid.
I am a fist time chicken owner sorry for the stupid questions.
Also, once we get the hens will he have more interest in the coops than he does now?
under a tree then in the coop. Which I am going to have to relocate him there when we are finished with the
fencing around the coop. Once he is pinned inside the chicken run where access to the coop is via the ladder to
the opening of the coop will he know how to use it? Will the hens that we get know to go up the ladder to get
to the roosts and laying baskets thus teaching him. Or is our rooster that stupid.
I am a fist time chicken owner sorry for the stupid questions.

Also, once we get the hens will he have more interest in the coops than he does now?